


The history of the organisation, Merci-Ki11

The MainFrame

The MainFrame

Read about Merci-Ki11's headquarters, The MainFrame, and what you can do in the different sections.

SMRT Mission Status

SMRT Mission Status

Løbende status af missionen for Merci-Ki11s team 13, SMRT (Substance & Munitions Recovery Team)

Player Characters

Click on a character to see their stats and abilities
Armogorashtakaz "Arm"

Armogorashtakaz "Arm"

Vesk Mechanic

En ung vesk, lidt lav af sin race at være, med et flair for mekanik.

Halvdelen af hans ansigt er vansiret og han besidder en prostetisk arm, som han selv har bygget. Hånden kan tages af og kan bevæge sig uafhængigt.

Braine Shait Daika Laimond

Braine Shait Daika Laimond

Lashunta Envoy

En velkendt intergalaktisk influencer, der bruger næsten lige så meget tid på GalaxyGram, som hun gør i den virkelige verden.

Er sponseret af det berygtede firma, Dead Sun, Inc.

John Nielsen

John Nielsen

Human(?) Soldier

Social interaktion er måske ikke hans forté, men der er ingen tvivl om at han skinner i kamp.

Det er blevet en in-joke at hans sense motive checks er værre end en androids, så er han nu også virkelig human?

Kezás Komenara

Kezás Komenara

Lashunta Operative

Lidt vides omkring denne Lashunta, der foretrækker at holde sin baggrund skjult.

Hans professionalisme og talenter taler dog for sig selv.



Android Technomancer

En android, der stadig kører på Emotions v0.1 (beta).

Logisk og rationel i sine handlinger, og ikke meget for at dele omkring sig selv.


Android Witchwarper

Agent for et mindhive-kollektiv kaldet Legion, som nogle anser som en kult.

Forbindelsesofficer mellem Merci-Ki11 og Legion oprindelig tiltænkt MORT og deres mission om AYBABTU. Endte dog i SMRT for at kunne evalueres og fordi holdet havde mistet Nate.



Ysoki Mechanic

En lille, hvid, middelaldrende Ysoki, der elsker alt elektronisk og teknologisk.

Har en hoverdrone hun selv har bygget i form af en fregat, der lige akkurat er stor nok til hun kan være ombord.

S. Hawkins

S. Hawkins

Human Envoy

Det eneste der er hurtigere end hans aftrækkerfinger er hans mund. En rap replik er derfor typisk det sidste man hører, inden skuddet.

Virker vant til at lede folk og skubber typisk resten af Team 13 for at komme videre.

Shalilo "Lilo"

Shalilo "Lilo"

Lashunta Mystic

Nød lærer nøgen kvinde at spinde, eller i dette tilfælde at helbrede.

Opvokset relativt isoleret, selv på en lille rumstation som Absalom Station, are mange ting nye for denne unge Lashunta.




MORT's handler

Responsible for sending MORT out on missions and briefing them on all the available information. A mysterious individual, who never shows their real face, but is none-the-less trusted by Merci-Ki11 for their contributions.



MORT's handler

Responsible for sending MORT out on missions and briefing them on all the available information. A mysterious individual, who never shows their real face, but is none-the-less trusted by Merci-Ki11 for their contributions.

Sgt. Chewston

Sgt. Chewston

Responsible for HoSiMa

His "no bullshit" attitude and tendency to let his fists do the talking has led to most people keeping their distance, and be happy that he's WITH Merci-Ki11 and not AGAINST Merci-Ki11.



Responsible for the Tech Centre

A woman with broad shoulders, an even broader smile, and two prosthetic legs. Loves swinging her hammer and forging weapons, and it well-liked by all for her friendly attitude and tendency of calling everyone "товарищ" (comrade)

Andrew Pollo

Andrew Pollo

Responsible for MediCen

Andrew would've made for a remarkable doctor and scientist, if not for his tendencies to walk around topless under his lab coat and flirting with all his patients, regardless of gender and race. Married to Laura.

Laura Pollo

Laura Pollo

Responsible for MediCen

Nurse and Merci-Ki11s beloved "Poster Person". Many cadets let themselve be injured in the hopes of being tended to by Laura. Loves their husband, but doesn't shy away from knocking him the f* out, when he flirts with a patient.



Responsible for the library

An android who was part of the infamous android-rebellion 150 years prior. Is now better known as Merci-Ki11's friendly librarian, who enjoys the little things in life, such as a good book, a cup of tea, and the glow of the holographic fireplace.



Responsible for the Parking Garage

An older ysoki with an extreme talent for espionage. Uses most of his time as a receptionist in the Parking Garage, where no one seems to give him a second glance. Just how he prefers it.



Temporarily responsible for the Library

A former non-combative Merci-Ki11er, who temporarily returned to Merci-Ki11 to take charge of Team 14 (MORT) and the Library while Justin was in a coma due to being infected with AYBABTU.