This page contain links and credits for all the images used on The images are used for personal, non-commercial purposes (a StarFinder campaign for friends) to give them a better idea of how certain characters and areas look.
If, for whatever reason, the original rights holder wants their artwork removed or credit updated, just drop a note in the comment section, and I will do so immediately.
Merci-Ki11 logo was created by me using brandcrowd.comPact World System overview from the opening pages of Starfinder Core Rulebook by paizo; artist credit unknownMerci-Ki11 headquarters, The MainFrame, represented by Balamb Garden from Final Fantasy VIII by Square Enix; artist credit unknownArtwork representing the player character, Dolo, originally drawn by American artist, Andy ParkArtwork representing the player character, Gavin, originally drawn by Ukranian artist, Artur GurinArtwork representing the player character, Polaris, originally drawn by German artist, KimichiiArtwork representing the player character, Satach, originally drawn by Danish artist, iakopArtwork representing the player character, T’ed, originally drawn by artist, Nick RogerArtwork representing the NPC, L00TCR8, is of Omega Flowey from the game Undertale by Toby FoxArtwork representing the NPC, Justin, originally drawn by Danish artist, suchfabulousArtwork representing the NPC, Laura Pollo, originally drawn by American artist, ZeronisArtwork representing the NPC, Sgt. Chewston, is of the Pre-Gen soldier class character, Obozoya, from page 110 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook by paizo; drawn by Remko TroostArtwork representing the NPC, Hepha, is of the character Zarya from the game Overwatch by Blizzard EntertainmentImage representing the NPC, Andrew Pollo, is stockphoto taken by Ukranian photographer, Zoriana Zaitseva